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The usage of term budō to mean martial arts is a modern one and historically the term meant a way of life encompassing physical, spiritual and moral dimensions with a focus of self-improvement, fulfillment or personal growth.[1] The terms bujutsu and bugei have more discrete definitions, at least historically speaking. Bujutsu refers specifically to the practical application of martial tactics and techniques in actual combat.[2] Bugei refers to the adaptation or refinement of those tactics and techniques to facilitate systematic instruction and dissemination within a formal learning environment

– Trekking Register Certificate – Equipped and insured trekking porter (one porter in between 2 person) – Experienced and first aid trained license holder trekking guide – Tea House accommodation during the trek in double occupancy – All meals during the trek (B=breakfast, L=Lunch, D= Dinner) – Breakfast will be served with tea

– Food and drinks – Gratuities (optional) – Entrance fees – Souvenir photos (available to purchase)